Dr marvin marshall biography definition

  • Dr marvin marshall biography definition
  • Dr marvin marshall biography definition

  • And
  • Biography of dr marvin marshall
  • Dr marvin marshall biography definition1
  • Dr Marvin Marshall Background - WithoutStress.com
  • The Legacy of Dr. Marvin Marshall — Teach Without Stress
  • Dr marvin marshall biography definition1...

    The Legacy of Dr. Marshall

    Dr. Marvin (Marv) Marshall, certified as a “Distinguished Educator,” was one of America’s leading experts in reducing stress that is so prevalent in work relationships, schools, and homes. He was an author, educator, and international professional speaker (25 countries on 5 continents).

    He demonstrated how to use authority without coercion so relationships are never adversely affected.

    His Without Stress® approach in livingparenting, and disciplining is totally noncoercive—but never permissiveHe was the author of a number of landmark and award-winning books.

    His approach is transformational—as he shares many commonly used counterproductive and ineffective practices—and then replaces them with more effective ones.

    He was a full-time lecturer for over three years at California State University, Los Angeles, and had lectured at numerous universiti