Eric jon phelps biography of michael jackson
Eric jon phelps biography of michael jackson
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Eric Jon Phelps
Eric Jon Phelps (born 1953) is an author and protagonist in the Truth Seeker movement from the United States, presenting himself as part of a WASP fundamentalist disposition, deriving influence for his material from the likes of Jack Chick and Alberto Rivera, he is allegedly a WASP separatist.
He is perhaps best known for his book Vatican Assassins. It was revealed in the Truth Seeker community that Phelps is the Vice President and Chief of Sales for a company headquartered in Tel Aviv, called Lowvehm; this is part of the Jewish blood diamond industry.[1] Phelps has visited Israel several times, including meetings with the Zionist Barry Chamish.✡[2]
Part of the “Jesuits and the Vatican run it all” crowd, Phelps refers to all people in the anti-New World Order movement who criticise Jewish global power—such as Texe Marrs, Jeff Rense[2] and others—as “Jesuit Temporal Coadjutors”.
Phelps describes the liberation of the G